Keep calm and….

This made my day and I WILL actually print this out and stick it on my wardrobe beside my work desk – both as a motivation and as a reminder not to overstress myself for no reason (cos I do usually).

[applies to non-designer as well;)]

P.S. unfortunately this was sent to me by a friend via email so I have no idea where she got it from.

Alvarado House

Never, never judge a book by its….front cover;)
Fantastic masterpiece by Terry & Terry Architecture

Architect: Terry & Terry Architecture
Location: San Francisco, California, USA
Project Team: Alex Terry AIA, Ivan Terry
Engineer: Santos Urrutia Structural Engineers Inc.
Landscape Architect: Outer Space Landscape Architecture
General Contractor: Timberline Construction
Project Area: 2,600 square feet
Photographs: Ethan Kaplan

Images and Information taken from Design Milkoriginal Alvarado House article.

my GoodReads discovery!

First of all, i know that i’m mostly tooootally late with discovering websites of this type (and i’m guessing i’m late for this one too as it has +/- 100,000 users and +/- 700,000 books) but i must say that this made my day today!

As a former philology student (Czech language and literature as major, English language as minor and Russian and literature as minor minor) i’ve always had a huge passion and unconditional love for books, even in periods when my patience for sitting in one place an reading is low. Also, as a child with strongly developed imagination, stories and books always attracted me (i wrote and dictated 3 thin books of short stories for kids when i was 4-9 years old, one store even won a main prize at Shankar’s International Children’s Competition in India back in ’99). I mean, where can you go more crazy and wild than in the realm of imagination and words.
Finally, i find books to be a GREAT inspiration for pretty much everything in life (as long as you read right ones;)), but especially if you are in some way related to creative fields. I truly think that EVERY designer should [even FORCE themselves] to read a book occasionally. Let’s say minimum 3 a year [instruction only for those who are not that big fans of reading;)].
Books open unimaginable realms and worlds.

Now the whole point of this basically is just to let you know that i discovered GoodReads accidentally, when one of my Facebook people posted link to their profile, and oh my Goddess, did i immediately create a profile and dive into finding all the books that i loved and that i will love or what?!
And as i am quite sure all you bloggers and designers and….well rest of the people on WordPress, no matter how you label yourself, are READERS…feel free to add me there if you have an account!
Ones who don’t – i strongly encourage you to join as it is fantastic. There’s even an app for it too, so you can have it everywhere with you!


One day, one day…….

This is simply WOW. This is a dream spot. I would not be able to sit at this desk and not be inspired. Every day I realize more and more how important it is for a graphic designer [or any designer for that matter] to have a cosy, custom, self-created workspace that will breathe inspiration.
Had something similar in mind, once I finally have my own [permanent!] place of residence and work space:)

100 kudos.

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